Congrès 2017

Proposed Amendment to FIQ Constitution and Bylaws FIQ-D03

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Each affiliated union must pay to the Federation the annual dues set by the Convention by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote. These dues are 1.24% of the 6th echelon of the licensed practical nurse and nurse salary scales (36.25-hour scale) and 1.24% of the 6th echelon of the respiratory therapist salary scale (35-hour scale), for each dues-paying member. This union dues rate goes into effect on July 1, 2007. (SC-03-2007)

Perfusionists are considered to be included in the nurse salary scale and baby and child nurses and the employees working in a job in the private non-profit care settings stemming from social economy are considered to be included in the licensed practical nurse salary scale for the purposes of union dues. (C-04-2014)

For the purpose of this article «dues-paying member» refers to any member of an affiliated union who receives money from her employer in the form of pay, benefits or compensation, with the exception of nursing externs. (SC-03-2007)

These dues are payable to the Federation in twelve (12) equal payments on the first of each month.

The number of dues-paying members of an affiliated union is based on the average number over a period of twelve (12) months ending on August 31 of the previous fiscal year. This number of dues-paying members determines the amount of the dues payable to the Federation beginning on the first month of the new fiscal year. If there is a modification in the number of certifications held by a union, the dues payable to the Federation are readjusted according to the new number of members, no later than sixty (60) days after the modification. The Executive Committee of the Federation is authorized to conduct such a verification with each affiliated union.

When a change in an institution affects the number of dues-paying members of the union in a permanent, measurable and verifiable way, the latter must notify the treasurer of the Federation of the rise or drop in the number of dues-paying members.

If this change affects in a permanent, measurable and verifiable way the number of dues-paying members in other institutions, the unions concerned must notify the treasurer of the Federation of the rise or drop in the number of their dues-paying members.

The treasurer then proceeds to readjust the number of dues-paying members, retroactively to the date of the change, even outside of the period of verification stipulated here.

When there is a modification of the number of dues-paying members, the secretary then readjusts the number of delegates and the number of votes they hold, if need be.

As stipulated in Article 5 “Union dues checkoff”’ in the 2011-2015 collective agreement, each affiliated union electronically sends to the Federation the detailed statement provided by the Employer at the time of the periodic remittance of union dues. The expenses related to the electronic transfer, provided it is available for the employer, are paid for by the Federation. (SC-03-2007)

Proposed amendment



In the 1st paragraph

Replace the words

“the licensed practical nurse and nurse salary scales (36.25-hour scale)” with:

“the licensed practical nurse salary scale (36.25-hour scale), the ninth echelon of the nurse salary scale (36.25-hour scale) as of April 2, 2018”.

Suggest Edit