
FIQ (Fédération Interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec)

Everyone is talking, but more must be done!

How many times over the last few months, years, have we heard about men, women, young people, the elderly being in such despair that they choose to attempt suicide? How many times have we heard about people so vulnerable that they can no longer see any other solution? Everyone talks about it: community organizations, the media, even the governments but more must be done!

In this context, the FIQ has decided to join the Semaine nationale de prévention du suicide and add its voice by signing its declaration. The Federation is very concerned with the issue of suicide, notably when this curse affects its members. Last summer, when two healthcare professionals tragically chose to end their lives, the FIQ was deeply troubled and especially outraged to hear the indecent words of one of their employers. It is therefore all the more important to pursue the information and educational steps presently being taken.

It is said that a society is known by how it treats its most vulnerable. The elderly fit into this group without any doubt. These individuals have paid taxes and income taxes to the government all their lives and who are now being abandoned by the government. The number of elderly who end their lives is still too high and it is not by continuing to close beds intended for them in the public network that the situation will change. The elderly must be offered a safe and secure living environment, an environment where they can bloom, but it is difficult to imagine how this can happen in the private residences. How many times over the last few months, years have we heard about the elderly being left alone or mistreated in private sector residences? Everyone talks about it, but more must be done. The government must adopt concrete measures…quickly!

Some will continue to promote the development of private residences, but the FIQ will always fight for the well-being of the elderly.