Comité SST

Concerning the ASSTSAS

The ASSTSAS (Association paritaire pour la santé et la sécurité du travail du secteur affaires sociales) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support, notably with consulting services and educational, information, research and development information in a parity context, the employers and workers in this sector in the implementation and integration of occupational health and safety prevention in the daily activities in the health-care institutions.

The objective of the ASSTSAS is to provide services in occupational health and safety prevention to all the associations in the health and social services sector who are members of it and to their clientele such as the personnel of the institutions in the sector community groups, early childhood centres and daycares, pre-hospitalization services, medical clinics, dental clinics and residences for the elderly.

It functions as a parity body, with a board of directors composed of thirteen directors from the union world and thirteen from management who meet at least four times a year to ensure good governance.

Concretely, for us, nurses, licensed practical nurses, respiratory therapists and perfusionists, the ASSTSAS offers, among others :

  • The information magazine “Objectif prévention” published five times a year;
  • The magazine, “Sans pépins” published four times a year;
  • Training such as PDSB (Global Approach to the Work Situation), psychological health at work, Omega;
  • Consulting services, intervention in the institution, helping the clientele in matters of prevention of employment injuries and the improvement of well-being at work.

And as the ASSTSAS says so well: “La prévention, comme la magie, ça s’apprend!” (Prevention is like magic, it has to be learned!)

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