Comité SST

Code White… you turn pale!

A Code White is announced over the intercom system in the institution. Worried, I briefly stop working. I think about the safety of my colleagues involved in this emergency signal requesting assistance. What exactly is happening that the staff on the unit needs help from the Assault Intervention Team, the Code White Team? Will they be able to adequately manage the situation involving a person exhibiting aggressive behaviour and presenting a danger for his safety as well as that of others? I know full well that in similar circumstances, the quickness and effectiveness of such an intervention will likely be successful.  

A violent incident is most often unforeseen and sudden, though sometimes we can feel a tension in the air as is the case prior to a thunderstorm. Indeed, certain warning signs may be present and it is important to know how to recognize them in order to be able to intervene in a preventive manner and thus avoid the risk of injury.

However, I cannot help thinking about my colleagues who have to deal with this violent situation and for whom the intervention from the Code White Team is crucial. Will that team be able to respond quickly and effectively to the call? Has the employer taken all the necessary measures so that this team is complete and well trained for intervening in complete safety? Have each one of the members of the team been given the appropriate education and training, as well as the required updating, such as the Omega programme developed by the Association paritaire pour la santé et la sécurité du travail du secteur affaires sociales (ASSTSAS)? This programme aims to develop the skills and methods of intervention for the participants that insure her safety and that of others involved in a situation of assault. Do the members of the team know what is expected from each one of them and how to act in order not to become a victim? Is the Code White Team adequately managed and supervised? The consistency and the synergy of their actions depend on all these elements.

Phew! I just learned that the intervention by the Code White Team is over and all went well, without any injuries. The safety of the patients and that of my colleagues is assured, and order has been restored on the unit, Congratulations!

A post-incident analysis with every member of the Code White Team will make it possible to determine if their actions were relevant, appropriate and effective, to make recommendations and to apply the necessary corrective measures, if applicable.

Do you know ?

Every health-care institution should have a written procedure for a Code White.

The Code White Team should be composed of at least four or five people in order to be able to intervene safely.

The employer must ensure that the members of the Code White Team receive the education, training and updating necessary for effectively intervening during a Code White.

The ASSTSAS offers training programmes for the preventive management of aggressive and disruptive behaviours, including the basic Omega programme.

Since the employer must make sure that his staff has the skill and knowledge required to safely accomplish their work, you can ask him to take this Omega training programme, if applicable.