
FIQ (Fédération Interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec)

2018 Group insurance consultation

You have until May 6, 2018, to participate in the consultation

Welcome to this broad consultation on your group insurance plan!

The FIQ regularly consults its members, but for the first time, it is consulting all of its members. Prior to this consultation, the FIQ conducted extensive work in collaboration with an actuarial consultant and an ad hoc insurance committee composed of 8 union reps from the FIQ and FIQP. Some of the members of the committee had previously been enrolled in a different group insurance plan with another labour organization.

This work enabled the FIQ to evaluate the current insurance coverage and to develop other group insurance plans. The FIQ is now proposing 4 possible group insurance plans that offer different coverage options. It is still possible for you to keep your current coverage with each of the options.

You will need to choose between 4 options

When you begin the consultation, you will see 4 group insurance plans and will need to choose which one you prefer.

Option 1 : Current FIQ plan
Option 2 : Modified plan
Option 3 : Modular plan A
Option 4 : Modular plan B

You have until May 6, 2018, to participate in the consultation




You have until May 6, 2018, to participate in the consultation

What will happen after the consultation?


Next June, your union representatives will approve the group insurance plan based on the results from the consultation. The FIQ will then conduct a call for tenders during the summer of 2018 for the next insurance contract renewal, which will take effect on April 1, 2019.